Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines hep-th
Date Mardi 7 Avril 2015
Heure 09:00
Institut LPT
Salle Amphi I, 2ème étage, LPT Orsay
Nom de l'orateur G. Borot S. Carrozza A. Connes J. Cooperman T. Dennen B. Duplantier
Prenom de l'orateur A. Eichhorn S. Gielen A. Grassi R. Gurau K. Krasnov S. Liberati H. Nicolai
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur K. Noui D. Pranzetti R. Santachiara F. Saueressig R. Van Der Veen
Titre Quantum Gravity in Paris
Résumé The workshop, Quantum Gravity in Paris 2015, is the fifth in a regular series that aims at stimulating exchanges between different approaches to quantum gravity in all its aspects The workshop aims at bringing together researchers from all over the world working in various approaches to quantum gravity. The emphasis is on the fundamental definition of the theory, with a few talks on possible applications to black holes, cosmology or particle physics. The workshop will hopefully set the framework for new collaborations between researchers working on such fundamental issues. The schedule consists of a number of regular talks as well as plenty of organized discussion sessions, to stimulate interactions among the participants.
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