Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines hep-th
Date Jeudi 2 Avril 2015
Heure 14:00
Institut LPT
Salle Salle des Séminaires, Salle 114, 1er étage, Bâtiment 210
Nom de l'orateur Toma
Prenom de l'orateur Takashi
Addresse email de l'orateur takashi [dot] toma [at] th [dot] u-psud [dot] fr
Institution de l'orateur LPT Orsay
Titre Radiative Neutrino Masses and Dark Matter
Résumé Although non-zero neutrino masses and existence of dark matter have been confirmed experimentally, both of them are not explained in the standard model. Radiative seesaw mechanism is one of the possibilities which solve these two different issues simultaneously. In some models with radiative neutrino masses, neutrino mass generation and dark matter are correlated since dark matter particle run in the loop for neutrino masses. We discuss and compare this kind of models, and properties of the dark matter particles are also discussed. In particular, Majorana dark matter in the models emits a characteristic gamma-ray as signature of indirect detection of dark matter.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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