Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines hep-th
Date Mercredi 2 Décembre 2015
Heure 16:30
Institut LPT
Salle Salle des Seminaires, Salle 114, 1er etage, Batiment 210
Nom de l'orateur Moskalets
Prenom de l'orateur Tetiana
Addresse email de l'orateur tatyana [dot] moskalets [at] gmail [dot] com
Institution de l'orateur V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Titre Liouville mode in Gauge/Gravity Duality
Résumé We establish solutions corresponding to AdS static charged black holes with inhomogeneous 2D horizon surfaces. The inhomogeneity is encoded in a distribution function, entering the internal horizon metric ansatz, which depends on horizon coordinates and satisfies the elliptic Liouville equation. Using the obtained solution we calculate transport coefficients in strongly coupled dual media (e.g. quark-gluon plasma) in the hydrodynamic limit of Gauge/Gravity duality. One can see that presence of nonuniformity on black hole horizon results in the exponential suppression in the charge diffusion coefficient and in the shear viscosity-per-entropy density (η/s) ratio. We discuss subtleties of the developed approach for a planar black hole with inhomogeneous horizon in more detail and find, among others, a trial inhomogeneity distribution function, which fits all the range of experimentally measured at RHIC and at the LHC values of η/s ratio. Generalization to higher-dimensional AdS space reveals two different charge diffusion coefficients (and, hence, DC conductivities) in higher-dimensional effective strongly coupled dual media. We formulate conditions under which the appropriate ratio of different conductivities is qualitatively the same as that of observed in anisotropic strongly coupled fluid.
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