Statut |
Confirmé |
Série |
Domaines |
gr-qc |
Date |
Mercredi 5 Fevrier 2025 |
Heure |
14:00 |
Institut |
Salle |
210/1-114 - Salle des Séminaires |
Nom de l'orateur |
Corral Badiola |
Prenom de l'orateur |
Cristòbal |
Addresse email de l'orateur |
Institution de l'orateur |
U. Adolfo Ibáñez |
Titre |
Electric/magnetic duality of dyonic Kerr-Newman-NUT-AdS spacetimes |
Résumé |
We study the (anti-)self-duality conditions under which the electric and magnetic parts of the conserved
charges of the dyonic Kerr-Newman-NUT-anti-de Sitter solution become equivalent. Within a holographic
framework, the stress tensor and the boundary Cotton tensor are computed from the electric/magnetic
content of the Weyl tensor. The holographic stress tensor/Cotton tensor duality is recovered along the
(anti-)self-dual curve in parameter space. We show that the latter not only implies a duality relation for the
mass but also for the angular momentum. The partition function is computed to first order in the saddle-
point approximation and a Bogomolnyi-Prasad-Sommerfield bound is obtained. The ground state of the
theory is enlarged to all the (anti-)self-dual configurations when the SO(4) and U(1) Pontryagin densities
are introduced. We demonstrate this at the level of the action and variations thereof. |
Numéro de preprint arXiv |
Commentaires |
Fichiers attachés |