Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

The SEMPARIS seminar webserver hosts annoucements of all seminars taking place in Paris area, in all topics of physics, mathematics and computer science. It allows registered users to receive a selection of announcements by email on a daily or weekly basis, and offers the possibility to archive PDF or Powerpoint files, making it available to the scientific community.   [ More information ]

Upcoming Seminars at LPTHE
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Thursday 26 September 2024, 17:00 at UFR-PHYS-SU, Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu CPMC (Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie) astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-qc|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|physics|quant-ph
Gérard Liger-Belair ( Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes ) L'odyssée d'une bulle de champagne
Abstract: TBA

Thursday 28 November 2024, 17:00 at UFR-PHYS-SU, Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu CPMC (Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie) astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-qc|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|physics|quant-ph
Alberto Loarte ( Head of ITER Science Division ) ITER: objectives, status and physics of nuclear fusion plasmas
Abstract: TBA

Thursday 30 January 2025, 17:00 at UFR-PHYS-SU, Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu CPMC (Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie) astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-qc|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|physics|quant-ph
Bérengère Dubrulle ( SPEC Saclay, Académie des Sciences ) Turbulence et climat
Abstract: TBA

Thursday 27 March 2025, 17:00 at UFR-PHYS-SU, Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu CPMC (Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie) astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-qc|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|physics|quant-ph
Lydéric Bocquet ( LPENS, Académie des Sciences ) La mécanique moléculaire des fluides
Abstract: TBA

Thursday 22 May 2025, 17:00 at UFR-PHYS-SU, Amphi 25 Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Jussieu CPMC (Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie) astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-qc|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|physics|quant-ph
Didier Queloz ( Cambridge U & ETH Zurich ) The exoplanet revolution
Abstract: TBA

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