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Séminaires à venir dans la série RENC-THEO
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Jeudi 13 Fevrier 2025, 10:00 à IHP, Pierre Grisvard RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) hep-th
Simone Giacomelli ( Milano-Bicocca ) 4d superconformal theories from S-folds
Abstract: In this seminar I will present a new approach to the study of 4d superconformal theories with eight supercharges. We construct a large new family of these models in string theory, study their moduli space and RG flows between them triggered by relevant deformations. Our framework provides a realization of most known theories with Coulomb branch of low dimension and suggests a new organizing principle for class S theories.

Jeudi 13 Fevrier 2025, 11:30 à IHP, Grisvard (314) RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) hep-th
Paolo Pichini ( Queen Mary ) Kerr Black Holes from Higher-Spin Theory
Abstract: Scattering-amplitude methods have been successful in computing state-of-the-art observables for binary black-hole systems. In particular, Kerr black holes can be described via effective field theories for massive higher-spin particles. The cubic interactions for such theories were found in full generality and used to compute leading-order observables, to any order in the black hole’s spin. However, constructing higher-order interactions remains an open challenge. In this talk, I will propose two complementary approaches to tackle the problem. The first is a bottom-up approach, where we construct higher-spin EFTs, identify a set of physical constraints that underlie the Kerr amplitudes, and use them to obtain explicit four-point results. The second is a top-down approach, where we study higher-spin amplitudes in string theory and discuss their relation to Kerr.

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