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Séminaires à venir dans la série RENC-THEO
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Jeudi 25 Avril 2024, 10:00 à IHP, Grisvard (314) RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) hep-th
Francesco Russo ( Pisa University ) Bounding Effective Field Theories by bootstrap methods
Abstract: We show how to use general assumptions of the unknown UV theory to constrain the IR physics. Specifically, we can consider causality and unitarity of the S-matrix to set up a bootstrap problem. By solving it with numerical optimisation methods, we obtain the allowed EFT coefficients which are consistent with a unitary and causal UV completion. We focus on the scattering of photons in four dimensions with and without gravity. Finally, we present a method to compute all partial waves for spinning particles in arbitrary dimensions.

Jeudi 25 Avril 2024, 11:45 à IHP, 314 RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) hep-th
Lisa Randall ( Harvard ) Cool But Not (necessarily) Supercool: RS/Holographic Phase Transition
Abstract: It is generally accepted that the confining phase transition in RS is first order, and is likely to be very suppressed. In this talk I demonstrate that the conclusion is model-dependent. Even simple variations weaken the strength of the transition and possibly even destroy the first order nature altogether.

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