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Séminaires à venir dans la série RENC-THEO | ||
[ vue agenda ] |
Jeudi 19 Septembre 2024, 10:00 à IHP, Salle Grisvard (314) | RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) | hep-th |
Abstract: | Abstract: In the planar limit of a large number of colors, N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory becomes integrable and certain scattering amplitudes and form factors can be computed to 8 loops. Due to known symmetries, the first nontrivial amplitude in this theory is for six gluons. It can be bootstrapped to high loop order, using the rigidity of the function space of multiple polylogarithms and information from integrability, namely the pentagon OPE. A particular form factor, for the chiral stress-tensor operator to produce 3 gluons, can be bootstrapped through 8 loops. This form factor is the N=4 analog of the LHC process, gluon gluon --> Higgs + gluon. Remarkably, the two quantities are related by a mysterious antipodal duality, which exchanges the role of branch cuts and derivatives. Furthermore, this duality is explained by an antipodal self-duality of the 4-gluon form factor of the same operator. The self-duality has been verified through 3 loops. Recently, antipodal self-duality has appeared in certain square fishnet integrals that govern 4-point correlators in a strongly-deformed limit of planar N=4 SYM. However, we still don't know who ordered antipodal (self-)duality, or what it really means. |
Jeudi 19 Septembre 2024, 11:45 à IHP, Salle Grisvard (314) | RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) | hep-th |
Abstract: | I will discuss abstract weakly relevant flows in a general number of dimensions, which arguably provide the simplest example of a renormalization group (RG) flow between two non-trivial fixed points. I will compute several two-point correlation functions in position space valid along the whole RG flow. I will then focus on four dimensions and compute the change of the a- and c-trace anomalies along the flow in this theory. |
Jeudi 3 Octobre 2024, 10:00 à IHP, Salle Yvette Cauchois (batiment Perrin) | RENC-THEO (Rencontres Théoriciennes) | hep-th |
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[ English version ] |