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[30 précédents] Tous les séminaires dans la série LPS/ENS à LPS/ENS [30 suivants]

2010-12-09 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS D. Challet Physique statistique des syst&eg... OPEN Edit
2010-12-01 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS P. Panizza Droplet traffic in microfluidic ... OPEN Edit
2010-11-24 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS B. Behringer Statistics, Jamming and Shear fo... OPEN Edit
2010-11-17 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS D. Nelson Life at High Reynolds Number OPEN Edit
2010-11-10 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS P. Vivo Phase transitions in the quantum... OPEN Edit
2010-11-03 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS C. Nadal Phase transitions in the distrib... OPEN Edit
2010-10-27 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS T. Mora Limits of sensing temporal conce... OPEN Edit
2010-10-20 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS F. Lechenault Fracture fragile: échelle... OPEN Edit
2010-10-13 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS O. Dauchot Rigidité au voisinage de ... OPEN Edit
2010-09-29 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS A. Stepanyants Statistical traces of long-term ... OPEN Edit
2010-09-22 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS J. Fineberg How things slide: Crack-like pro... OPEN Edit
2010-09-15 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS J. Eggers The physics of receding contact ... OPEN Edit
2010-07-28 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS S. Quake The Quake Genome and Beyond: App... OPEN Edit
2010-06-30 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS M. Isobe Study of Transient Nuclei near F... OPEN Edit
2010-06-23 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS P. Nghe Interfacially driven instabiliti... OPEN Edit
2010-06-09 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS L. Skrbek Quantum turbulence OPEN Edit
2010-06-02 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS M. Chan Is supersolid a superfluid? OPEN Edit
2010-05-26 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS B. Legras Quelques éléments ... OPEN Edit
2010-05-19 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS P. Marmottant Cristaux "acoustiques"... OPEN Edit
2010-05-12 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS R. Candelier Dynamics and structure in superc... OPEN Edit
2010-05-05 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS Y. Couder & Fo Un effet d'une "m&eacut... OPEN Edit
2010-04-28 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS P. Huber Molecular assemblies confined in... OPEN Edit
2010-04-14 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS X. Leyronas Fermions ultrafroids et probl&eg... OPEN Edit
2010-04-07 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS J. Aqua Anisotropie et longue port&eacut... OPEN Edit
2010-03-31 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS J. Lebowitz Statistical Mechanics and Emerge... OPEN Edit
2010-03-21 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS Y. Girard Une propriété &eac... OPEN Edit
2010-03-17 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS F. Debbasch Diffusion et géomé... OPEN Edit
2010-03-10 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS A. Asnacios Single cell mechanosensing : som... OPEN Edit
2010-03-03 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS S. Lerouge Dynamique de l'écoule... OPEN Edit
2010-02-24 LPS/ENS LPS/ENS O. Ramos Predicting scale invariant avala... OPEN Edit

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