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Tous les séminaires dans la série CONDMAT-ENS [30 suivants]

2019-09-19 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS S. Todo Geometric allocation approaches ... OPEN Edit
2012-06-05 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS B. Horovitz Rings, boxes and condensates in ... OPEN Edit
2012-05-29 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Mathy Quantum flutter of supersonic pa... OPEN Edit
2012-05-15 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS F. Zamponi Random hard sphere packings and ... OPEN Edit
2012-04-24 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Pépin Quantum critiality in 3 He bi-la... OPEN Edit
2012-04-10 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Rançon Superfluidity and quantum critic... OPEN Edit
2012-04-03 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS H. Yoshino Replica theory of the rigidity o... OPEN Edit
2012-03-27 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Rosso The universal high temperature r... OPEN Edit
2012-03-20 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Biroli Quantum quenches and off-equilib... OPEN Edit
2012-03-13 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Catelani Quasiparticle effects in superco... OPEN Edit
2012-03-06 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Bena Spin and Majorana polarization i... OPEN Edit
2012-02-28 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Mora Dynamical response of nanoconduc... OPEN Edit
2012-02-21 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS F. Pierre Energy relaxation along the quan... OPEN Edit
2012-02-14 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS E. Trizac Exotic electrostatics in soft ma... OPEN Edit
2012-02-07 LPTENS CONDMAT-ENS P. Simon Bose-Fermi mixtures in a 1D diso... OPEN Edit
2011-06-23 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Kastrinakis New fermionic superfluid state OPEN Edit
2011-06-14 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS B. Bernu Diagramme de phase du gaz d'... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2011-06-07 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS F. Haldane Geometry of the Fractional Quant... OPEN Edit
2011-04-05 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Andreanov Quantun spin glass at T=0 OPEN Edit
2011-03-29 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Bowick Curvature driven structure and i... OPEN Edit
2011-03-15 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS L. Sanchez-Palenci Anderson localization of ultraco... OPEN Edit
2011-03-08 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Batrouni Pairing in population imbalanced... OPEN Edit
2011-02-22 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS K. Le Hur Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems:... OPEN Edit
2011-02-08 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS P. Pujol Les tubes de spin comme laborato... OPEN Edit
2011-02-01 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Minguzzi One-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtu... OPEN Edit
2011-01-25 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS Z. Ristivojevic Relaxation rates of hot electron... OPEN Edit
2011-01-18 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Lavagna Effet Kondo dans les boîte... OPEN Edit
2011-01-11 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Goerbig L'effet Hall quantique fract... OPEN Edit
2010-12-14 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS B. Estienne Quasihole wavefunctions in non-A... OPEN Edit
2010-12-07 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS D. Kovrizhin Equilibration of integer quantum... OPEN Edit

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