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[30 précédents] Tous les séminaires dans la série CONDMAT-ENS [30 suivants]

2010-11-23 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS Y. Ikhlef An integrable model for localisa... OPEN Edit
2010-11-16 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Petkovic Out-of-equilibrium heating of el... OPEN Edit
2010-10-26 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Wacker Quantum Kinetics of Transport an... OPEN Edit
2010-10-19 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS D. Mouhanna The nonperturbative renormalizat... OPEN Edit
2010-06-22 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS B. Bernevig The Advent of Topological Insula... OPEN Edit
2010-06-15 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Urban Temperature dependence of collec... OPEN Edit
2010-06-08 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Radin A freezing transition in soft ma... OPEN Edit
2010-06-01 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS J. Vala Exact results on Kitaev-like lat... OPEN Edit
2010-05-04 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS F. Zamponi Bose-Einstein condensation in qu... OPEN Edit
2010-04-13 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Mora Universal Resistances of the Qua... OPEN Edit
2010-03-04 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS W. Krauth Three-semester lecture course on... OPEN Edit
2010-02-16 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS T. Roscilde Dynamical emergence of supersoli... OPEN Edit
2010-02-02 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS F. Alet Entanglement and fidelity of qua... OPEN Edit
2010-01-19 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Roux Effets de taille finie dans les ... OPEN Edit
2010-01-05 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS P. Lecheminant Conjecture à la Haldane d... OPEN Edit
2009-11-17 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS N. Laflorencie Bosonic phases in quantum magnets OPEN Edit
2009-11-10 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS J. Vidal Anyons et transition de phase to... OPEN Edit
2009-10-20 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Ferrero Nodal/antinodal dichotomy in cup... OPEN Edit
2009-10-13 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Chanal Exact sampling OPEN Edit
2009-06-16 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Semerjian Le modèle de Bose-Hubbard... OPEN Edit
2009-04-28 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS L. Zdeborova From glasses to hard optimizatio... OPEN Edit
2009-04-07 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS K. Van Houcke Diagrammatic Monte Carlo: toward... OPEN Edit
2009-03-24 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Hartmann Hierarchical clustering for Isin... OPEN Edit
2008-12-16 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS R. Thomale Non-Abelian Statistics in a quan... OPEN Edit
2008-12-09 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS N. Dupuis La suprafluidité revisit&... OPEN Edit
2008-12-02 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS D. Kovrizhin Multiparticle interference in el... OPEN Edit
2008-11-25 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS E. Bergholtz One-dimensional theory of the qu... OPEN Edit
2008-11-18 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS S. Giraud Gaz de Fermi ultrafroid fortemen... OPEN Edit
2008-11-04 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Leclair A unique non-Fermi liquid and hi... OPEN Edit
2008-10-07 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS V. Yakovenko Time-reversal symmetry breaking ... OPEN Edit

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