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[30 précédents] Tous les séminaires dans la série CONDMAT-ENS [30 suivants]

2008-09-30 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS D. Ullmo Many-body physics and quantum ch... OPEN Edit
2008-09-23 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS S. Giorgini Polarized Fermi gases with reson... OPEN Edit
2008-06-24 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS U. Schollwoeck „Disentangling“ strong... OPEN Edit
2008-06-17 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS J. Goldstone Quantum Walk Algorithms (and som... OPEN Edit
2008-05-27 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS L. Levitov Quantum Noise as an Entanglement... OPEN Edit
2008-05-20 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS D. Carpentier Electronic Transport in a Spin G... OPEN Edit
2008-05-13 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. Tsvelik Phonons in Graphene and Carbon N... OPEN Edit
2008-04-22 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Olshanii Thermalization and its mechanism... OPEN Edit
2008-04-08 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Tarzia The valence bond glass phase OPEN Edit
2008-04-01 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS R. Santachiara Correlations in a one-dimensiona... OPEN Edit
2008-03-25 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS B. Douçot Symetries discretes locale et re... OPEN Edit
2008-03-18 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS A. De Martino Magnetic confinement and wavegui... OPEN Edit
2008-02-26 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Haque Quantum information concepts for... OPEN Edit
2008-02-19 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Morais Smith Novel Quantum Phases in Low-Dime... OPEN Edit
2008-02-12 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS N. Prokof'ev Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for res... OPEN Edit
2008-02-05 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS S. Capponi Hamiltoniens effectifs pour des ... OPEN Edit
2008-01-29 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS O. Juillet Approche Monte-Carlo quantique &... OPEN Edit
2008-01-22 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Choi Manipulation of the Phonon Squee... OPEN Edit
2008-01-15 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS D. Bernard Courbes invariantes conformes: u... OPEN Edit
2007-12-18 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS D. Delande Experimental observation of the ... OPEN Edit
2007-12-11 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Zvonarev Spin dynamics in a one-dimension... OPEN Edit
2007-12-04 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS M. Holzmann Kosterlitz-Thouless transition o... OPEN Edit
2007-11-27 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Möller Density waves and supersolidity ... OPEN Edit
2007-11-20 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS T. Martin Detection des moments superieurs... OPEN Edit
2007-11-13 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS P. Degiovanni Quantum detection of electronic ... OPEN Edit
2007-11-06 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS Y. Imry Decays in Quantum Hierarchical M... OPEN Edit
2007-10-30 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Misguich Entanglement entropy in a quantu... OPEN Edit
2007-10-23 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS B. Horovitz Renormalization and dephasing of... OPEN Edit
2007-10-16 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS G. Zarand Color Superfluidity and "Ba... OPEN Edit
2007-10-09 LPS/ENS CONDMAT-ENS C. Kollath Ultracold atoms: physics far fro... OPEN Edit

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