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Tous les séminaires dans la série LPTENS-HE [30 suivants]

2024-04-12 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Soloviev Thermoelectric transport and the... OPEN Edit
2024-04-09 LPENS LPTENS-HE N. Gromov Mysteries of Massless Integrabil... OPEN Edit
2024-03-12 LPENS LPTENS-HE L. Ciambelli Quantum Aspects of Null Raychaud... OPEN Edit
2024-03-05 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Milekhin Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: from st... OPEN Edit
2024-02-28 LPENS LPTENS-HE M. Pierre Inflationary and Post-Inflationa... OPEN Edit
2024-02-27 LPENS LPTENS-HE C. Northe Entanglement Resolution and Boun... OPEN Edit
2024-01-16 LPENS LPTENS-HE P. Betzios Wilson Loops and Bubbling Wormholes OPEN Edit
2023-12-12 LPENS LPTENS-HE T. Skrzypek Dissecting Orbifolds with integr... OPEN Edit
2023-11-06 LPENS LPTENS-HE R. Dagnolo Modern Perspectives on Naturalness OPEN Edit
2023-10-24 LPENS LPTENS-HE R. Dagnolo Modern Perspectives on Naturalness OPEN Edit
2023-09-28 LPENS LPTENS-HE H. Swain A semi-holographic approach to s... OPEN Edit
2023-06-28 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Sen D-instanton corrections to strin... OPEN Edit
2023-06-27 LPENS LPTENS-HE J. Hoppe Integrability Structures in Memb... OPEN Edit
2023-06-21 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Sen D-instanton corrections to strin... OPEN Edit
2023-06-20 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Chamseddine Gravity for discrete space OPEN Edit
2023-06-15 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Sen D-instanton corrections to strin... OPEN Edit
2023-06-13 LPENS LPTENS-HE E. Sobko The R-mAtrIx Net OPEN Edit
2023-06-09 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Kundu Driven CFT & Holography OPEN Edit
2023-05-31 LPENS LPTENS-HE O. Papadoulaki Microstates of a 2d Black Hole i... OPEN Edit
2023-05-30 LPENS LPTENS-HE V. Jejjala Approximate Ricci-flat metrics o... OPEN Edit
2023-05-22 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Migdal Topological vortexes, asymptotic... OPEN Edit
2023-05-16 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Mukhopadhyay Black hole complementarity from ... OPEN Edit
2023-05-05 LPENS LPTENS-HE P. Tourkine Scattering amplitudes from dispe... OPEN Edit
2023-04-24 LPENS LPTENS-HE O. Gurdogan Coactions of anomalous dimension... OPEN Edit
2023-04-18 LPENS LPTENS-HE G. Kotousov 2D black hole sigma models from ... OPEN Edit
2023-03-21 LPENS LPTENS-HE T. Sulejmanpasic U(1) Chern-Simons theory on the ... OPEN Edit
2023-03-14 LPENS LPTENS-HE L. Ciambelli Corner Symmetries in Gravity OPEN Edit
2023-02-23 LPENS LPTENS-HE E. Olivucci The general Loom CFT and star-tr... OPEN Edit
2023-02-21 LPENS LPTENS-HE L. Mason Geometry at Strong coupling for ... OPEN Edit
2023-02-09 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Kaviraj Lightcone bootstrap of higher po... OPEN Edit

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