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[30 précédents] Tous les séminaires dans la série LPTHE-PPH [30 suivants]

2017-12-01 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH G. Farrar Sexaquark Dark Matter OPEN Edit
2017-11-24 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH G. Cacciapaglia Light (pseudo)scalars in composi... OPEN Edit
2017-11-07 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH P. Vanhove Effective field theory approach ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2017-11-07 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH A. Hryczuk (More) exceptions in the calcula... OPEN Edit
2017-10-24 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH N. Bernal Simply split SIMPs OPEN Edit
2017-10-17 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH V. Khoze Higgsplosion OPEN Edit
2017-10-05 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH C. Grojean Assessing the Higgs (self-)coupl... OPEN Edit
2017-10-03 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH G. Grilli Constraints on a non QCD relaxio... OPEN Edit
2017-07-27 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Heinemeyer SUSY, Dark Matter and five Higgs... OPEN Edit
2017-06-30 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH E. Del Nobile Generalizing Minimal Dark Matter... OPEN Edit
2017-06-20 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH C. Gross Dark matter from dark gauge fields OPEN Edit
2017-06-13 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH D. Stoeckinger Higgs boson mass: the quest for ... OPEN Edit
2017-06-06 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH D. Redigolo Rel-axion: linking pairwise Natu... OPEN Edit
2017-06-02 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH M. Klasen Prompt photon production and pho... OPEN Edit
2017-05-16 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH J. Zupan Chiral Effective Theory of Dark ... OPEN Edit
2017-04-18 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH H. Shao Perturbative QCD at the LHC OPEN Edit
2017-04-11 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH K. Nordström Using top polarisation informati... OPEN Edit
2017-03-28 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH L. Witkowski A biography of the Weak Gravity ... OPEN Edit
2017-03-21 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Davidson Spin-dependent mu->e Conversion OPEN Edit
2017-03-14 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH Y. Kats Phenomenology of the clockwork s... OPEN Edit
2017-03-07 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH C. Bachas Some remarks on the topology of ... OPEN Edit
2017-02-28 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH E. Bertuzzo Dark Matter and Exotic Neutrino ... OPEN Edit
2017-02-24 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH M. Backovic Solar, galactic and extra-galact... OPEN Edit
2017-02-14 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH D. Gaggero Searching for different Dark Mat... OPEN Edit
2017-02-07 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH K. Schmitz Leptonic CP Violation in Minimal... OPEN Edit
2017-01-31 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH C. Frugiuele Dark matter beams at neutrino fa... OPEN Edit
2017-01-13 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH B. Famaey Galaxy scaling relations: clues ... OPEN Edit
2017-01-10 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH Y. Cai Dark Forces in the Sky: Signals ... OPEN Edit
2016-12-13 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH T. Yu New Directions in Dark Matter Di... OPEN Edit
2016-12-08 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Paßehr Higgs-boson masses and mixing in... OPEN Edit

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