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[30 précédents] Tous les séminaires dans la série LPTHE-PPH [30 suivants]

2023-07-25 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH X. He Majorana Phase and Matter Effect... OPEN Edit
2023-07-11 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH P. Sarmah Origin of a strong broadband 21... OPEN Edit
2023-06-30 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Chakraborti The interactions and the possibl... OPEN Edit
2023-05-23 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH A. Kulesza Soft gluon resummation for assoc... OPEN Edit
2023-04-07 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH G. Zahariade Quantum Mechanics of Gravitation... OPEN Edit
2023-04-04 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH V. Hirschi Fully numerical perturbative QFT... OPEN Edit
2023-02-14 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Verma Model agnostic probes for dark s... OPEN Edit
2023-01-24 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH P. De La Torre Luq Scrutinizing current predictions... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-01-17 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH P. Lamba Quantum information and CP measu... OPEN Edit
2022-12-06 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH V. Ravindran Resummation of next to soft virt... OPEN Edit
2022-11-25 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH Y. Cado Baryogenesis from combined Higgs... OPEN Edit
2022-09-23 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH R. Ruiz Heavy neutrinos at the LHC : pro... OPEN Edit
2022-07-19 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Maharana A closed clockwork theory OPEN Edit
2022-07-05 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH G. Landini Macroscopic Dark Matter from a d... OPEN Edit
2022-06-28 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Jyoti Das Leptogenesis and Dark Matter in ... OPEN Edit
2022-06-17 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH E. Chaubey Multi-loop Feynman integrals OPEN Edit
2022-06-08 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH Y. Gouttenoire Primordial black holes from supe... OPEN Edit
2022-05-24 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH G. Durieux Gegenbauer's Twin OPEN Edit
2022-02-11 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH V. Bertone Extractions of unpolarised TMD d... OPEN Edit
2022-02-04 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH M. Lewandowski Baryonic effects in the Effectiv... OPEN Edit
2022-01-25 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH R. Perez-Ramos Hadron correlations on the searc... OPEN Edit
2021-12-08 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH R. Ruiz Life at a Multi-TeV Muon Collider OPEN Edit
2021-11-30 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH A. Tesi Dark Dark Sectors OPEN Edit
2021-11-26 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH A. Ray Unravelling the Mystery of Dark ... OPEN Edit
2021-11-09 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH T. Maity Indirect searches for dark matte... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-10-12 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Khalil Dark Matter in B-L Supersymmetri... OPEN Edit
2021-09-28 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH J. Braathen Precision calculations of the Hi... OPEN Edit
2021-09-21 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Passehr Precision Higgs decays in the (N... OPEN Edit
2021-03-02 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH O. Macias Searching for evidence of TeV-sc... OPEN Edit
2021-02-02 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH M. Pierre How warm are non-thermal relics?... OPEN Edit

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