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[30 précédents] | Archives SEMPARIS à IMPMC | [30 suivants] |
2012-11-19 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | M. Murakami | Sound velocities of earths... | |
2012-11-15 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | M. Ediger | Mobile surfaces and highly stabl... | |
2012-10-25 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | A. Goncharov | Time-domain optical and x-ray me... | |
2012-10-22 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | G. Ferlat | Polymorphisme cache dans b2o3 a ... | |
2012-10-17 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | J. Stodolna | TBA | |
2012-10-16 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | M. Takano | Bafeo3, a ferromagnetic iron oxide | |
2012-10-12 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | A. San Miguel | TBA | |
2012-09-07 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | Duck Young Kim | Energy frontier research using h... | |
2012-06-25 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | C. Raepsaet | La microsonde nucleaire : un out... | |
2012-06-11 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | M. Klein | Computation and the nano-bio-med... | |
2012-06-04 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | S. Pascarelli | Investigating extreme states of ... | |
2012-05-21 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | B. Shillito | Recolte et maintenance d'ani... | |
2012-04-16 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | D. Lamago | TBA | |
2012-04-10 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | S. Kroeker | NMR Studies of Nuclear Waste Mat... | |
2012-03-26 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | K. Benzerara | Formation de minéraux par... | |
2012-02-27 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | A. Yamamoto | High-pressure synthesis & Pr... | |
2012-02-15 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | M. Fayek | Kinetic and equilibrium isotope ... | |
2012-02-13 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | M. Andasmas | élaboration de maté... | |
2012-02-06 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | A. Prescimone | The effect of pressure on molecu... | |
2012-01-30 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | H. Bureau | Comportement des elements haloge... | |
2012-01-27 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | G. Mountjoy | Molecular dynamics modelling of ... | |
2012-01-23 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | P. Sainctavit | Himafi :xmcd a 40 teslas | |
2012-01-16 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | J. Robert | Relations argiles - eau | |
2011-12-16 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | M. Paluch | Temperature, pressure and volume... | |
2011-12-13 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | J. Dyre | Non précisé | |
2011-12-05 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | L. Paolasini | X-rays illuminate the magnetism ... | |
2011-11-21 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | F. Weber | Phonon softening and charge dens... | |
2011-11-14 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | A. Masaki | Giant negative thermal expansion... | |
2011-10-17 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | I. Butler | High-pressure vibrational spectr... | |
2011-10-10 | IMPMC | SEM-BESSON | D. Spaulding | Exploring extra-solar planetary ... |
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