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Archives SEMPARIS dans la série RENC-THEO [30 suivants]

2025-01-30 IHP RENC-THEO R. Russo The gravitational eikonal: from ... OPEN Edit
2025-01-30 IHP RENC-THEO S. Murthy The giant graviton expansion in ... OPEN Edit
2025-01-16 IHP RENC-THEO C. Zwikel Symmetries of the gravitational ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2025-01-16 IHP RENC-THEO C. Behan Making AdS_3 x S^3 more like AdS... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-12-19 IHP RENC-THEO R. Erramilli Bootstrapping the 3d Ising Stres... OPEN Edit
2024-12-19 IHP RENC-THEO F. Hassler A geometric perspective on duali... OPEN Edit
2024-11-21 IHP RENC-THEO V. Godet Quantum cosmology as automorphic... OPEN Edit
2024-11-21 IHP RENC-THEO I. Moult Energy Correlators at the Collid... OPEN Edit
2024-11-07 IHP RENC-THEO G. Fardelli The conformal generators on the... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-11-07 IHP RENC-THEO C. Fierro Cota Towards understanding the minima... OPEN Edit
2024-10-17 IHP RENC-THEO P. Betzios An Inflationary Cosmology from W... OPEN Edit
2024-10-17 IHP RENC-THEO F. De Cesare Exploring confinement in Anti-de... OPEN Edit
2024-10-03 IHP RENC-THEO J. Moritz De Sitter candidates in String T... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-10-03 IHP RENC-THEO J. Rong Local conformal field theory fro... OPEN Edit
2024-09-19 IHP RENC-THEO L. Dixon Antipodal (Self-)Duality in Plan... OPEN Edit
2024-09-19 IHP RENC-THEO D. Karateev Correlation Functions and Trace ... OPEN Edit
2024-09-05 IHP RENC-THEO S. Minwalla Level Rank Duality in Quantum Me... OPEN Edit
2024-06-13 IHP RENC-THEO T. Wang A CFT Dual for Celestial MHV Amp... OPEN Edit
2024-06-13 IHP RENC-THEO U. Gursoy Toward a microscopic derivation ... OPEN Edit
2024-04-25 IHP RENC-THEO F. Russo Bounding Effective Field Theorie... OPEN Edit
2024-04-25 IHP RENC-THEO L. Randall Cool But Not (necessarily) Super... OPEN Edit
2024-04-11 IHP RENC-THEO L. Córdova Non-invertible symmetries, anoma... OPEN Edit
2024-04-11 IHP RENC-THEO B. Zan New results for the Schwinger mo... OPEN Edit
2024-03-28 IHP RENC-THEO E. Olivucci Multi-point multi-loop Null Poly... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-03-28 IHP RENC-THEO E. Skvortsov Higher spin physics OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-03-14 IHP RENC-THEO A. Antunes The conformal bootstrap reaches ... OPEN Edit
2024-03-14 IHP RENC-THEO O. Khlaif Grothendieck lines in 3d SQCD an... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-02-29 IHP RENC-THEO S. Schafer-Nameki Categorical Symmetries and Phases OPEN Edit
2024-02-29 IHP RENC-THEO T. Grimm Tameness and Complexity of the F... OPEN Edit
2024-02-08 IHP RENC-THEO T. Hansen The AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude OPEN Edit ATTACH

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