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[30 précédents] Archives SEMPARIS dans la série RENC-THEO [30 suivants]

2020-10-29 IHP RENC-THEO P. Kovtun Pushing the limits of hydrodynamics OPEN Edit
2020-10-22 IHP RENC-THEO B. Craps Slow scrambling in extremal BTZ ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-10-15 IHP RENC-THEO M. Van Raamsdonk Towards Microscopic Models of Bi... OPEN Edit
2020-10-08 IHP RENC-THEO R. Emparan Quantum BTZ black hole OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-10-01 IHP RENC-THEO C. Zwikel Symmetries at Null Boundaries OPEN Edit
2020-09-24 IHP RENC-THEO J. Maldacena Humanly traversable wormholes OPEN Edit
2020-09-17 IHP RENC-THEO A. Dymarsky Quantum codes, lattices, and con... OPEN Edit
2020-06-25 IHP RENC-THEO C. Bachas Coupling Holographic Universes OPEN Edit
2020-06-18 IHP RENC-THEO S. Stieberger Symmetries of celestial amplitudes OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-05-28 IHP RENC-THEO T. Hartman Replica wormholes and the black ... OPEN Edit
2020-05-14 IHP RENC-THEO A. Hanany Higgs mechanism, Hasse diagrams,... OPEN Edit
2020-03-26 IHP RENC-THEO M. Walters QFT from CFT OPEN Edit
2020-03-12 IHP RENC-THEO S. Mukhi The Holomorphic Modular Bootstra... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-02-27 IHP RENC-THEO T. Adamo Scattering in chiral strong back... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-02-27 IHP RENC-THEO Jay Armas Geometries and Instabilities of ... OPEN Edit
2020-02-06 LPTHE RENC-THEO Oliver Schlotterer Double-copy structures and unive... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-02-06 LPTHE RENC-THEO J. Gauntlett Geometric Extremization for AdS-... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-23 LPTHE RENC-THEO G. Biroli A connection between SYK physics... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-23 LPTHE RENC-THEO S. Rychkov Random Field Ising Model and Par... OPEN Edit
2020-01-09 IHP RENC-THEO A. Tolley TTbar, Massive Gravity and Non-c... OPEN Edit
2020-01-09 IHP RENC-THEO Maximilian Attems Holographic dynamics of phase se... OPEN Edit
2019-12-19 IHP RENC-THEO D. Mazac Sphere packing, modular bootstra... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-12-19 IHP RENC-THEO A. Bourget Higgs Mechanism and Hasse diagrams OPEN Edit
2019-12-05 IHP RENC-THEO Luca Delacré Hydrodynamic Tails in CFT and th... OPEN Edit
2019-12-05 IHP RENC-THEO K. Skenderis Anomalous supersymmetry OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-11-21 IHP RENC-THEO T. Van Riet An orderly dS exit? OPEN Edit
2019-11-21 IHP RENC-THEO D. Anninos Comments on de Sitter horizons OPEN Edit
2019-11-07 IHP RENC-THEO A. Castro The Holographic Landscape of Sym... OPEN Edit
2019-11-07 IHP RENC-THEO H. Erbin Topics in string amplitudes OPEN Edit
2019-10-17 IHP RENC-THEO J. Mcorist Symmetries and Derivatives for H... OPEN Edit

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