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[30 précédents] Archives SEMPARIS dans la série RENC-THEO [30 suivants]

2019-10-17 IHP RENC-THEO A. Sever The Holographic Dual of Strongly... OPEN Edit
2019-10-03 IHP RENC-THEO B. Pioline BPS black holes, wall-crossing a... OPEN Edit
2019-10-03 IHP RENC-THEO Daniel Arean Hydrodynamics of density waves f... OPEN Edit
2019-09-19 LPTHE RENC-THEO N. Su Recent progress on bootstrapping... OPEN Edit
2019-09-19 LPTHE RENC-THEO J. Elias Miro Flux Tube S-matrix Bootstrap OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-06-20 IHP RENC-THEO A. Kapustin Thermal Hall conductance as a re... OPEN Edit
2019-06-20 IHP RENC-THEO D. Mateos Holography at High Density OPEN Edit
2019-06-13 IHP RENC-THEO D. Luest Higher Spin Theories and the Swa... OPEN Edit
2019-06-13 IHP RENC-THEO V. Gorbenko On QFT in dS OPEN Edit
2019-05-23 IHP RENC-THEO E. Lauria 3d Abelian Gauge theories at the... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-05-23 IHP RENC-THEO R. Davison Relations between hydrodynamics ... OPEN Edit
2019-05-09 IHP RENC-THEO C. Herzog Marginal Deformations and Bounda... OPEN Edit
2019-05-09 IHP RENC-THEO J. De Boer Effective actions for fluids and... OPEN Edit
2019-04-11 IHP RENC-THEO H. Godazgar Dual and extended asymptotic cha... OPEN Edit
2019-04-11 IHP RENC-THEO B. Van Rees QFT in AdS and the flat-space limit OPEN Edit
2019-03-28 IHP RENC-THEO G. Veneziano Soft gravitational radiation fro... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-03-28 IHP RENC-THEO M. Del Zotto Aspects of 5d SCFTs and their ga... OPEN Edit
2019-03-14 IHP RENC-THEO J. Hartong Non-relativistic Gravity OPEN Edit
2019-03-14 IHP RENC-THEO J. Penedones Bootstrapping Multiple Scatterin... OPEN Edit
2019-02-21 IHP RENC-THEO E. Martinec Little Strings, Long Strings, an... OPEN Edit
2019-02-21 IHP RENC-THEO I. Valenzuela The String Swampland and Emergen... OPEN Edit
2019-02-07 IHP RENC-THEO G. Horowitz The Mysterious Cosmic Censorship... OPEN Edit
2019-02-07 IHP RENC-THEO A. Puhm Conformally soft photons and gra... OPEN Edit
2019-01-24 LPTHE RENC-THEO O. Aharony Renormalization group flows in d... OPEN Edit
2019-01-24 LPTHE RENC-THEO A. Tomasiello De Sitter Solutions from Ten Dim... OPEN Edit
2019-01-10 IHP RENC-THEO P. Benincasa Cosmology from the boundary OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-01-10 IHP RENC-THEO S. Nawata Refined Chern-Simons theory at l... OPEN Edit
2018-12-20 IHP RENC-THEO M. Gaberdiel The worldsheet dual of the symme... OPEN Edit
2018-12-20 IHP RENC-THEO R. Santachiara Subtle facets of Liouville field... OPEN Edit
2018-12-06 IHP RENC-THEO S. Grozdanov On hydrodynamics, thermalisation... OPEN Edit

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