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2025-01-23 IJCLAB NUC-THEO M. Chamseddine Dense matter properties within t... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2025-01-16 IHP RENC-THEO C. Zwikel Symmetries of the gravitational ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2025-01-16 IHP RENC-THEO C. Behan Making AdS_3 x S^3 more like AdS... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2025-01-14 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH E. Bertuzzo Two portals to GeV sterile neutr... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-12-11 CPHT SEM-EXCEP N. Mauser Nonlinear schrödinger equat... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-12-02 CPHT WORK-CONF Journée Par Asymptotic Symmetries, Conformal... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-11-07 IHP RENC-THEO G. Fardelli The conformal generators on the... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-10-29 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH D. Fiorillo Extreme astrophysical environmen... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-10-17 IJCLAB NUC-THEO F. Wu Towards Determining the Short-Ra... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-10-10 IJCLAB NUC-THEO B. Bally Mean-field approximation on ster... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-10-03 IHP RENC-THEO J. Moritz De Sitter candidates in String T... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-09-26 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX B. Petri Linear programming bounds for hy... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-09-26 IJCLAB NUC-THEO P. Arthuis Exotic nuclei and their properti... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-09-20 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Jeesun Studying dark sector imprints in... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-09-05 IJCLAB NUC-THEO D. Dos Santas Rosa Dimensional Aspects of the Efimo... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-07-16 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH A. Saha Searching Dark Matter using Astr... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-06-28 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH B. Diaz Saez Thermal dark photon dark matter ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-06-25 IJCLAB NUC-THEO D. Phillips Universal or not? EFT insights i... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-06-20 LPTMC SEM-EXCEP N. Bergeal Superconducting oxides interfaces OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-06-06 IJCLAB NUC-THEO E. Yuksel Nuclear landscape for hot nuclei OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-05-02 IJCLAB NUC-THEO M. Pavon Valderram Molecular hadrons from the EFT p... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-04-30 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH I. Baldes Supercooled phase transitions an... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-04-26 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH A. Dondarini The NANOGrav Bound On Ultralight... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-04-05 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH S. Hoof Finding Axions in a Universe of ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-04-02 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH L. Heurtier Unveiling Cosmic History with Mi... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-03-28 IHP RENC-THEO E. Olivucci Multi-point multi-loop Null Poly... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-03-28 IHP RENC-THEO E. Skvortsov Higher spin physics OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-03-19 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH M. Escudero Modern Neutrino Cosmology OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-03-14 IHP RENC-THEO O. Khlaif Grothendieck lines in 3d SQCD an... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2024-03-12 IJCLAB NUC-THEO M. Verrière Vers une description compl&egrav... OPEN Edit ATTACH

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