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2023-10-12 IJCLAB NUC-THEO T. Frederico Two-neutrons halos and beyond OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-10-05 IJCLAB NUC-THEO S. Wycech Pionisation: a method to study n... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-09-21 IHP RENC-THEO A. Ashmore Machine learning for geometry an... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-09-07 IJCLAB NUC-THEO A. Tononi Self-binding of a Fermi-Fermi at... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-09-05 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH D. Bhatia Exploring exponential growth sce... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-07-13 IJCLAB NUC-THEO S. König Nuclear physics in a box. OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2023-07-06 IJCLAB NUC-THEO C. Hebborn Ab initio prediction of &#94... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-06-15 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX V. Dotsenko Around Donaldson-Thomas invarian... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-06-15 IJCLAB NUC-THEO N. Warrington Many-body physics from nuclear e... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-06-13 LPTHE SEM-LPTHE H. Nicolai Update on supermembrane theory OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-06-01 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX A. Givental Chern-Euler intersection theory ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-06-01 IJCLAB NUC-THEO M. Matsumoto Non-empirical description of nuc... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-05-30 IJCLAB NUC-THEO Y. Tanimura How to visualize nuclear many-bo... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-04-20 IHP RENC-THEO S. Mukhi Classification of Rational Confo... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-04-20 IHP RENC-THEO S. Alexandrov Modularity of BPS black holes OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-04-17 LPENS LPENS-MDQ I. Safi Robust methods for fractional ch... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-03-16 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX M. Robalo Categorification of Donaldson-Th... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-02-01 LPTHE SEM-LPTHE J. Drummond Scattering amplitudes and their ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-01-24 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH P. De La Torre Luq Scrutinizing current predictions... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-01-20 LPTHE RENC-THEO D. Andriot Accelerated expansion and scalar... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-01-18 LPENS FORUM-ENS Two Speakers PhD students' session OPEN Edit ATTACH
2023-01-05 IHP RENC-THEO T. Schimannek The discrete Green-Schwarz mecha... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-11-10 LPTHE RENC-THEO L. Mason Twistors and Lw_{1+infinity} sym... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-11-10 LPTHE RENC-THEO H. Parra De Freita New supersymmetric string vacua ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-09-22 LPTHE TQM A. Sinatra Amortissement Landau-Khalatnikov... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-06-16 IHP RENC-THEO C. Lawrie What can we learn from SCFTs wit... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-06-16 IHP RENC-THEO A. Kidambi How does N = 4 supergravity repr... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-06-02 IHP RENC-THEO A. Tomasiello On the Stability of String Theor... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-06-02 LPTHE RENC-THEO G. Turiaci Phases of N=2 Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-05-12 IHP RENC-THEO L. Eberhardt A perturbative CFT dual for pure... OPEN Edit ATTACH

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