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2022-05-02 IAP COURS P. Fayet The U boson as a generalized dar... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-04-21 IHP RENC-THEO A. Lipstein Cosmological Scattering Equations OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-04-06 LPENS LPTENS-HE A. Riotto Primordial Black Holes in the er... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-03-31 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX J. Szeftel The nonlinear stability of Kerr ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-03-17 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX E. Garcia-Failde Topological recursion and quanti... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-02-17 IHP RENC-THEO A. Jain Fractons in curved space OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-02-10 CPHT SEM-CPHT N. Jokela Hall fluid at strong coupling OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-02-08 APC APC-TH G. Cohen-Tannoudji Dark matter at the crossroads of... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-01-06 IHP RENC-THEO E. Malek Exceptional field theory and the... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2022-01-06 IHP RENC-THEO O. Schlotterer Modular graph forms and iterated... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-12-02 IHP RENC-THEO M. Berkooz Multi-trace correlators in the S... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-11-19 LPENS BIOPHY-ENS-ESPCI F. Elias Marine foams described using a m... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-11-09 LPTHE LPTHE-PPH T. Maity Indirect searches for dark matte... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-10-21 IHP RENC-THEO L. Borsten On colour-kinematic duality and ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-10-20 LPENS FORUM-ENS J. Sethna Sloppy models, differential geom... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-09-30 IHP RENC-THEO E. Palti Convexity of Charged Operators i... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-09-16 IHP RENC-THEO T. Grimm Asymptotic Flux Compactification... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-09-16 IHP RENC-THEO C. Closset The Coulomb branch of 5d superco... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-06-03 IHP RENC-THEO W. Lerche Fluxes, Holomorphic Anomalies an... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-05-11 LPTENS STR-LPT-ENS-HE Y. Wang Defects and Anomalies in Quantum... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-05-06 IHP RENC-THEO S. Hellerman How Different Is More? : Precisi... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-04-22 IHP RENC-THEO M. Gillioz A scattering amplitude in confor... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-04-08 IHP RENC-THEO A. Sinha Crossing symmetric dispersion re... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-03-25 IHP RENC-THEO B. Goutérau Hydrodynamic diffusion and its b... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-03-11 IHP RENC-THEO D. Dorigoni An exact integrated correlator i... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-02-18 IHP RENC-THEO A. Sen D-instanton amplitudes in string... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-02-11 IHP RENC-THEO M. Hogervorst Back to the future with the epsi... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-02-04 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX J. Kellendonk The non-commutative topological ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-01-22 LPTENS STR-LPT-ENS-HE D. Karateev Spinning S-matrix Bootstrap in 4d OPEN Edit ATTACH
2021-01-21 IHP RENC-THEO R. Gopakumar From Symmetric Product CFTs to A... OPEN Edit ATTACH

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