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2020-10-22 IHP RENC-THEO B. Craps Slow scrambling in extremal BTZ ... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-10-08 IHP RENC-THEO R. Emparan Quantum BTZ black hole OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-06-18 IHP RENC-THEO S. Stieberger Symmetries of celestial amplitudes OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-03-27 IPHT COURS Ricardo Schiappa CANCELED: Resurgence Methods and... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2020-03-20 IPHT COURS Ricardo Schiappa CANCELED: Resurgence Methods and... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2020-03-13 IPHT COURS Ricardo Schiappa CANCELED: Resurgence Methods and... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2020-03-12 IHP RENC-THEO S. Mukhi The Holomorphic Modular Bootstra... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-02-27 IHP RENC-THEO T. Adamo Scattering in chiral strong back... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-02-07 IPHT COURS Gregory Soyez Exploring High-Energy Physics wi... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2020-02-06 LPTHE RENC-THEO Oliver Schlotterer Double-copy structures and unive... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-02-06 LPTHE RENC-THEO J. Gauntlett Geometric Extremization for AdS-... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-31 IPHT COURS Gregory Soyez Exploring High-Energy Physics wi... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2020-01-28 LPTENS STR-LPT-ENS-HE L. Vinet Free Fermion Entanglement and Ti... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-24 IPHT COURS Gregory Soyez Exploring High-Energy Physics wi... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2020-01-24 LPTHE SEM-LPTHE D. Volin Rational spin chains at higher r... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-23 LPTHE RENC-THEO G. Biroli A connection between SYK physics... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-17 IPHT COURS Gregory Soyez Exploring High-Energy Physics wi... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2020-01-16 CPHT IPN-X T. De Meerleer Transversal fields and their con... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-16 LPTHE SEM-DARBOUX G. Freixas Montple On genus one mirror symmetry OPEN Edit ATTACH
2020-01-10 IPHT COURS Gregory Soyez Exploring High-Energy Physics wi... OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2019-12-19 IHP RENC-THEO D. Mazac Sphere packing, modular bootstra... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-12-13 IPHT COURS Cristina Bena And Topological Phases of Matter (6/6) OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2019-12-05 IHP RENC-THEO K. Skenderis Anomalous supersymmetry OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-12-03 IPHT COURS Cristina Bena And Topological Phases of Matter (5/6) OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-11-29 IPHT COURS Cristina Bena And Topological Phases of Matter (4/6) OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2019-11-26 LPTENS STR-LPT-ENS-HE A. Chatwin-Davies Bulk Reconstruction Beyond the E... OPEN Edit ATTACH
2019-11-22 IPHT COURS Cristina Bena And Topological Phases of Matter (3/6) OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2019-11-15 IPHT COURS Cristina Bena And Topological Phases of Matter (2/6) OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2019-11-08 IPHT COURS Cristina Bena And Topological Phases of Matter (1/6) OPEN Edit ATTACH ATTACH
2019-11-04 LPS/ENS WORK-CONF Hamprecht Et Al. Physics, Mathematics and Artific... OPEN Edit ATTACH

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