Statut | Confirmé |
Série | FORUM-ENS |
Domaines | cond-mat.stat-mech |
Date | Mercredi 8 Fevrier 2023 |
Heure | 14:00 |
Institut | LPENS |
Salle | L357 |
Nom de l'orateur | Szamel |
Prenom de l'orateur | Grzegorz |
Addresse email de l'orateur | |
Institution de l'orateur | Colorado State University |
Titre | Two lectures on active matter |
Résumé | 1) Active Matter: models of self-propelled particles, stochastic thermodynamics and linear response After a brief, general overview of active matter systems, I will present simple models of isotropic self-propelled particles. Then, I will discuss attempts to generalize stochastic thermodynamics to systems of self-propelled particles. I will end with a discussion of linear response functions of active matter systems. 2) Active Matter: systems of many interacting self-propelled particles I will discuss collective behavior of interacting systems of self-propelled particles. I will start with motility-induced phase separation and then discuss the complete phase diagram in two spatial dimensions. Next, I will discuss slowing down in dense active amorphous systems. For small persistence, active glassy behavior resembles that of passive systems, although the apparent glass transition line evolves non-trivially with the persistence. For large persistence, active glassy behavior exhibits intermittent dynamics and the particles displacements are correlated. I will end with a brief discussion of the long-range velocity correlations and the rheological response of active systems. |
Numéro de preprint arXiv | |
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