Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines cond-mat
Date Lundi 18 Janvier 2016
Heure 13:30
Institut LPA
Salle Conf IV, 24 rue Lhomond
Nom de l'orateur Leghtas
Prenom de l'orateur Zaki
Addresse email de l'orateur leghtas [at] gmail [dot] com
Institution de l'orateur Mines ParisTech / LPA ENS
Titre Confining the state of light to a quantum manifold by engineered two-photon loss
Résumé Physical systems usually exhibit quantum behavior, such as superpositions and entanglement, only when they are sufficiently decoupled from a lossy environment. Paradoxically, a specially engineered interaction with the environment can become a resource for the generation and protection of quantum states. This notion can be generalized to the confinement of a system into a manifold of quantum states, consisting of all coherent superpositions of multiple stable steady states. We have confined the state of a superconducting resonator to the quantum manifold spanned by two coherent states of opposite phases and have observed a Schrödinger cat state spontaneously squeeze out of vacuum before decaying into a classical mixture. This experiment points toward robustly encoding quantum information in multidimensional steady-state manifolds.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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