Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines cond-mat
Date Mardi 28 Juin 2016
Heure 14:00
Institut LPA
Salle Conf IV, 24 rue Lhomond
Nom de l'orateur Baranger
Prenom de l'orateur Harold
Addresse email de l'orateur baranger [at] phy [dot] duke [dot] edu
Institution de l'orateur Department of Physics, Duke University
Titre Tunneling Through Quantum Dots in a Dissipative Environment: Quantum Critical Behavior
Résumé Despite the ubiquity of quantum phase transitions (QPT) in contemporary theoretical physics, obtaining clear experimental signatures has been challenging. I start by presenting a recent experiment in which it was possible to thoroughly characterize a QPT caused by coupling to an environment. The system is a single-molecule transistor built from a carbon nanotube quantum dot connected to strongly dissipative contacts. The electrical conductance of this system is highly singular at low temperature: the conductance is 0 except at one special point (on resonance and symmetric coupling) at which electrons are fully transmitted with unit probability-- this is the quantum critical point. I then turn to the theoretical understanding of this QPT obtained by mapping the problem onto that of a resonant Majorana fermion level in an interacting electron liquid. The unitary transmission obtained in the experiment is seen as a competition between the two leads, as in the two-channel Kondo problem. The deviations from unitarity at nonzero temperature are connected to residual interactions among the Majoranas. Finally, I present theoretical results for tunneling through two quantum dots in the Kondo regime, a system which potentially has an interesting intermediate fixed point (that of the two-impurity Kondo model). While the normal tendency of dissipation is to destroy interesting many-body correlations, we show that in this case coupling to the bath stabilizes the intermediate fixed point and renders it experimentally observable.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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