Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Série IPN-X
Domaines hep-ph
Date Jeudi 22 Septembre 2016
Heure 11:00
Institut CPHT
Salle Salle de Conf. Bât. 6
Nom de l'orateur Rezaeian
Prenom de l'orateur Amir
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Santa Maria U. & CCTVal
Titre Diffractive dijet production in the CGC
Résumé I will talk about exclusive dijet production in coherent diffractive processes in deep inelastic scattering and real (and virtual) photon-hadron collisions in the Color Glass Condensate formalism. I show that the diffractive dijet cross section is sensitive to the color-dipole orientation in the transverse plane, and is a good probe of possible correlations between the dipole transverse separation vector and the dipole impact parameter. I also show that the t-distribution of diffractive dijet photo-production off a proton target exhibits a dip-type structure in the saturation region. This effect is similar to diffractive vector meson production. Besides, at variance with the inclusive case, the effect of saturation leads to stronger azimuthal correlations between the jets.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
Fichiers attachés
  • 2016-09-22_slides.pdf (6766233 bytes) OPEN

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