Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines cond-mat
Date Lundi 28 Novembre 2016
Heure 13:30
Institut LPA
Salle Conf IV - E244 , 24 rue Lhomond
Nom de l'orateur Saptsov
Prenom de l'orateur Roman
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Institute for Theoretical Nanoelectronics, Jülich
Titre Exact duality for open system time-evolution and surprises in the heat current relaxation of an interacting quantum dot
Résumé Recent progress in nanoelectronics has brought the experimental detection and manipulation of few-electron heat currents in nanodevices within reach. However, a straightforward theoretical calculation of the heat-current relaxation – already for the simplest model of an Anderson quantum dot – exhibits a surprising behavior. More precisely, the contribution to the heat-current relaxation arising from the decay of the repulsive Coulomb interaction energy exhibits signatures of electron-electron attraction, and is governed by an interaction-independent decay rate [1]. The surprising behavior of the interaction-induced dissipation mode can only be understood with the help of a new duality relating the nonunitary evolution of an open quantum system to that of dual model with inverted energies [1,2]. Deriving from the fermion-parity superselection postulate, this duality applies to a large class of open systems, allowing for new general insights beyond the quantum-dot heat-current problem presented here. [1] J. Schulenborg, R.B. Saptsov, F. Haupt, J. Splettstoesser, M.R. Wegewijs, Phys Rev B 93, 081411(R) (2016) [2] J. Vanherck, J. Schulenborg, R.B. Saptsov, J. Splettstoesser, M.R. Wegewijs, arXiv: 1609.07332
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