Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines nucl-th
Date Mercredi 7 Décembre 2016
Heure 12:15
Institut IPN
Salle IPN, Bât 100, Salle de Conseils, cadre "IPNO-Beihang nucl. str. & dyn"
Nom de l'orateur Robin
Prenom de l'orateur Caroline
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Dep. of Physics,Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo, USA
Titre Relativistic nuclear field theory and application to isospin-transfer modes
Résumé Atomic nuclei are complex systems where single-nucleon and collective degrees of freedom are deeply intertwined. The nuclear structure method which I will present is based on the relativistic meson-nucleon Lagrangian of quantum hadrodynamics and nuclear eld theory. This approach naturally connects the intermediate-energy scales of mesons to the low-energy domain of nucleons and their collective motion, and provides a consistent framework for the description of nuclear excitations. Recently, we have extended this formalism to the description of isospin-transfer modes in open-shell nuclei [1], which have various applications in nuclear and particle physics as well as astrophysics. In the charge-exchange channel, the coupling between single-nucleon degrees of freedom and collective vibrations generates a time-dependent proton-neutron e ective interaction, in addition to the static pion and rho-meson exchange, and introduces complex nucleonic con gurations which induce fragmentation and spreading of the resonances. Such e ects are important to describe the observed quenching of the transition strength and have a great impact on the computing of beta-decay rates that govern the r-process nucleosynthesis. I will show recent results of calculations for spin-isospin excitations and weak decays in medium-mass nuclei, and will address further developments. [1] C. Robin and E. Litvinova, Eur. Phys. J. A, 52 (2016).
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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