Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines nucl-th
Date Mercredi 7 Juin 2017
Heure 11:30
Institut IPN
Salle IPN, Bâtiment 100, salle A 015
Nom de l'orateur Bazak
Prenom de l'orateur Betzalel
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur IPN, Orsay
Titre Universal States and Efimov Physics in Fermionic Mixtures
Résumé The system of few identical fermions interacting resonantly with a distinguishable atom exhibits a rich and interesting physics, including universal states and the celebrated Efimov effect. The (2+1) system, composed of two heavy fermions and lighter atom, supports a universal trimer state if the ratio of the particle masses exceeds critical value. For even larger mass ratio the system becomes Efimovian, introducing a three-body scale and showing geometric series of bound states. Interestingly, this trend continues in the (3+1) system as well as in the (4+1) system, having their own universal states and pure (N+1)-body Efimov effects. Adding another particle, however, this series seems to stop. This should be a sign of a shell structure and screening effects, which may shed light on the crossover from the few-body systems to the many-body polaron case.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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  • 2017_06_07_B_Bazak.pdf (205820 bytes) OPEN

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