Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-PHYS-ENS
Subjects physics.optics
Date Tuesday 28 November 2017
Time 17:15
Institute DPT-PHYS-ENS
Seminar Room Salle Jean Jaurès (29 rue d'Ulm)
Speaker's Last Name Dudley
Speaker's First Name John
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Université de Franche Comté
Title Extreme events in nature, rogue wave in optics
Abstract Understanding extreme events in nature is intrinsically challenging because the events themselves are rare, and often appear in environments where measurements are difficult. A particular case of interest concerns the infamous oceanic rogue or freak waves that have been associated with many catastrophic maritime disasters. Studying such rogue waves is problematic, and the phenomena remain very poorly understood. On the other hand, significant experiments have been reported in optics in recent years, where advanced measurement techniques have been used to quantify the appearance of extreme localised optical fields that have been termed "optical rogue waves". In fact, there is a rigorous analogy between the physics of wave propagation on the ocean and light pulse propagation in optical fibre, and this has opened up possibilities to explore general properties of extreme value dynamics using a convenient benchtop optical environment. The purpose of this talk will be to review these results in optics and discuss the impact they have had on oceanography. The talk will provide suitable introduction to aspects of ocean physics and optics, and will be accessible to non-specialists.
arXiv Preprint Number

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