Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines cond-mat
Date Jeudi 5 Octobre 2017
Heure 13:30
Institut LPTM
Salle 4.13 St Martin II
Nom de l'orateur Honecker
Prenom de l'orateur Andreas
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur LPTM UCP Cergy Pontoise
Titre The magnetocaloric effect: history and perspectives
Résumé The magnetocaloric effect, i.e., the change of temperature induced by an adi- abatic change of an external magnetic field was discovered by Warburg in 1881 during his investigations of iron. Subsequently, back in 1933, cooling by adia- batic demagnetization of paramagnetic salts was the first method to reach tem- peratures below 1 K. Until today, adiabatic demagnetization remains the method of choice to cool solids to the milli-Kelvin range or below. In addition, cooling by adiabatic demagnetization at intermediate temperatures (Kelvin-range) is un- der discussion for space applications and future linear colliders. Such applica- tions would benefit from more efficient materials. On this background, we re- view recent ideas how to go beyond single-ion systems, and exploit interactions between magnetic moments of dipolar or Heisenberg nature to enhance mag- netocaloric properties. Specifically, we discuss the enhanced magnetocaloric effect observed in geometrically frustrated magnets and close to field-induced quantum phase transitions.
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