Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines hep-th
Date Mardi 27 Fevrier 2018
Heure 11:30
Institut LPTENS
Salle LPTENS library
Nom de l'orateur Pomoni
Prenom de l'orateur Elli
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur DESY
Titre Exact results for class Sk
Résumé We will introduce a large class of N=1 superconformal theories, called Sk, which is obtained from Gaiotto’s N=2 class S via orbifolding. We will study the Coulomb branch of the theories in the class by constructing and analyzing their spectral curves. Using our experience from the N=2 AGT correspondence we will search for a 2D/4D relations (AGTk) for the N=1 theories of class Sk. From the curves we will identify the 2D CFT symmetry algebra and its representations, namely the conformal blocks of the Virasoro/W-algebra, that underlie the 2D theory and reproduce the Seiberg-Witten curves of the N = 1 gauge theories. We find that the blocks corresponding to the SU(N) Sk gauge theories involve fields in certain non-unitary representations of the WkN algebra. These conformal blocks give a prediction for the instanton partition functions of the 4D N = 1 SCFTs of class Sk.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
Fichiers attachés
  • Elli-Pomoni-2018-compressed.pdf (3739341 bytes) OPEN

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