Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series MATH-IHES
Subjects hep-th
Date Thursday 23 November 2017
Time 14:30
Institute IHES
Seminar Room Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane
Speaker's Last Name Grinevich
Speaker's First Name Petr
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution L.D.Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics & IHES
Title Differential operators with meromorphic eigenfunctions and indefinite scalar products (Based on joint works with S.P. Novikov and R.G. Novikov)
Abstract Meromorphic solutions of soliton equations usually do not fit in the standard spectral transform scheme. We show, that the spectral theory for the corresponding linear problems should be formulated in terms of Pontrjagin spaces - pseudo-Hilbert spaces with a finite number of negative squares. This observation uses the following property: all eigenfucntions of these linear operators with special singularities are meromorphic for all values of spectral parameter. We also discuss a two-dimensional analog of this property.
arXiv Preprint Number

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