Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPT
Subjects hep-ph
Date Thursday 23 November 2017
Time 14:00
Institute LPT
Seminar Room salle 110, salle cosmologie, 1er etage, bat 210, lpt orsay
Speaker's Last Name Jung
Speaker's First Name Gabriel
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution LPT Orsay
Title Non-Gaussianity in two-field inflation beyond the slow-roll approximation
Abstract In this talk, I will discuss the level of bispectral non-Gaussianity produced in two-field inflation models with standard kinetic terms. Even though the Planck satellite has so far not detected any primordial non-Gaussianity, it has tightened the constraints significantly, and it is important to better understand what regions of inflation model space have been ruled out, as well as prepare for the next generation of experiments that might reach the important milestone of Delta f_NL(local) = 1. I will present our results on the non-Gaussianity parameter f_NL in the case of sum potentials and show that it is very difficult to satisfy simultaneously the conditions for a large f_NL and the observational constraints on the spectral index n_s in the slow-roll approximation. I will then discuss the case of monomial potentials and show explicitly the small region of parameter space in which this is possible. Finally, I will extend these results beyond the slow-roll approximation and illustrate them with two explicit inflation models.
arXiv Preprint Number

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