Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series LPT-PTH
Subjects hep-ph
Date Thursday 23 November 2017
Time 16:00
Institute LPT
Seminar Room 114
Speaker's Last Name Zwicky
Speaker's First Name Roman
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Edinburgh University
Title On RG-flow Theorems in d=4
Abstract I review, pedagogically, renormalisation group flow theorems in 4D making the connection to Zamalodchikov’s famous c-theorem in 2D. I’ll discuss the well-established a-theorem (Euler term), from the viewpoint of the Komargodski-Schwimmer dilaton effective action approach, and then report on some work in progress on the flow of the $\Box R$-term.
arXiv Preprint Number

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