Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPTMC
Subjects cond-mat.mes-hall
Date Monday 26 March 2018
Time 10:45
Institute LPTMC
Seminar Room tower 13-12 room 5-23
Speaker's Last Name Biroli
Speaker's First Name Giulio
Speaker's Email Address giulio [dot] biroli [at] cea [dot] fr
Speaker's Institution IPhT Saclay and LPS ENS
Title Emergent phenomena in large interacting ecosystems
Abstract I will first start with a general introduction on theoretical ecology, stressing the reasons that make connections with statistical physics interesting and timely. I will then focus on Lotka-Volterra equations, which provide a general model to study large assemblies of strongly interacting degrees of freedom in many different fields: biology, economy and in particular ecology. I will present our analysis of Lotka-Volterra equations as model of ecosystems formed by a large number of species and show the different phases that emerge. Two of them are particularly interesting: when interactions are symmetric we find a regime characterised by an exponential number of multiple equilibria, all poised at the edge of stability for a large number of species. For non symmetric interactions, this phase is replaced by a chaotic one. I will then conclude discussing relationships with experiments and general consequences of our works.
arXiv Preprint Number

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