Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series LPENS-MDQ
Subjects cond-mat
Date Monday 22 January 2018
Time 13:30
Institute LPA
Seminar Room L363-365
Speaker's Last Name Didier
Speaker's First Name Nicolas
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Rigetti Computing, Berkeley
Title Hybrid quantum/classical computing on a 19-qubit processor based on parametrically-activated entangling gates
Abstract Superconducting devices are one of the most promising platforms for building quantum computers, but demonstrating fault-tolerance on any quantum computing implementation remains a challenge. In recent years new hybrid quantum/classical algorithms targeting near-term devices have been proposed, focusing on short-depth parameterized quantum circuits and using quantum computation as a subroutine embedded in a larger classical optimization loop, without the immediate need for fault-tolerance. Rigetti Computing has built a flexible computing platform targeting precisely such hybrid applications, relying on custom entangling gates based on parametrically-activated interactions. In this talk I will explain the physics behind these two-qubit gates, how it enables the implementation of two distinct classes of entangling operations, and describe many features that make this architecture attractive from a scalability perspective. Finally, I will present how this gate architecture was used to demonstrate a hybrid algorithm for an unsupervised machine learning task known as clustering on a 19-qubit processor.
arXiv Preprint Number

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