Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Série IPN-X
Domaines hep-ph
Date Jeudi 22 Mars 2018
Heure 11:00
Institut IPN
Salle Salle des Conseils
Nom de l'orateur Pisano
Prenom de l'orateur Cristian
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Cagliari U.
Titre A first extraction of quark TMDs from a global analysis of ep and pp data
Résumé Transverse momentum dependent parton distribution and fragmentation functions (TMDs) are fundamental objects that encode information on the intrinsic motion of quarks and gluons inside hadrons. As such, they provide a three-dimensional picture of hadrons in momentum space. Here we present the first extraction of unpolarized quark TMDs, inside unpolarized protons, through a simultaneous analysis of semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering, Drell-Yan and Z boson hadroproduction processes.
Numéro de preprint arXiv
Fichiers attachés
  • 2018-03-22_slides.pdf (12281768 bytes) OPEN

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