Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines cond-mat
Date Lundi 28 Mai 2018
Heure 14:00
Institut IPHT
Salle Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774
Nom de l'orateur Leticia Cugliandolo
Prenom de l'orateur
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur LPTHE
Titre Dynamics of isolated classical disordered many-body systems
Résumé Much much work has been recently devoted to the study of the dynamics of quantum isolated systems after a sudden change in the Hamiltonian. In this talk I will describe the evolution of a family of isolated classical many-body disordered systems after instantaneous quenches of the same kind. The aim of these studies was to disentangle effects due to the quantum/classical nature of the systems from those intimately linked to the isolation and internal interactions (integrability vs. Non-integrability). I will emphasise the discussion of the dynamic phase diagram and the possible measures reached asymptotically (comparing Gibbs-Boltzmann equilibrium to Generalised Gibbs Ensemble probabilities).
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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