Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series IPHT-PHM
Subjects math-ph
Date Monday 10 December 2018
Time 11:00
Institute IPHT
Seminar Room Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774
Speaker's Last Name Eoin Quinn
Speaker's First Name
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution LPTMS
Title Organising strong correlations in electronic, spin, and local moment systems
Abstract We present a framework for organising the correlations of interacting electrons, which provides access to a novel regime of strongly correlated behaviour. Following an introduction, we highlight two ways to characterise the electronic degree of freedom, either by the canonical fermion algebra or by the graded Lie algebra su(2|2). The first underlies Landau
arXiv Preprint Number

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