Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series WORK-CONF
Subjects physics
Date Wednesday 5 December 2018
Time 10:00
Institute IPHT
Seminar Room Amphi Claude Bloch, Bât. 774
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Speaker's Institution IPhT
Title Conformal Invariance and Harmonic Analysis (Conference: 5 and 7 December 2018)
Abstract Pioneering work in the field of conformal invariance and harmonic analysis on the conformal group was done more than 40 years ago. The field underwent a renewal with the advent of the conformal bootstrap program. The conference will bring together different generations of mathematical physicists to share their vision and their insights. \\ \\ Wednesday December 5: \\ 10:00 Gerhard Mack ``Conformal field theory in D \textgreater 2 dimensions. Representations and harmonic analysis'' \\ 11:00 Coffee break \\ 11:30 Ivan Todorov ``The lure of conformal symmetry'' \\ 12:30 Lunch buffet \\ 14:00 Vladimir Dobrev ``Invariant differential operators: from conformal symmetry to quantum groups'' \\ 15:00 Coffee break \\ 15:30 Jean-Bernard Zuber ``D-CFT's The blossoming of the 80's'' \\ 16:30 Valentina Petkova, ``Virasoro symmetry and Coulomb gas integrals in higher dimensions'' \\ \\ Friday December 7: \\ 10:00 Volker Schomerus ``Integrability in Harmonic Analysis'' \\ 11:00 Coffee break \\ 11:30 Petr Kravchuk ``Harmonic analysis and light-ray operators'' \\ 12:30 Poster session Lunch buffet \\ 14:00 Emilio Trevisani ``Spinning operators and defects in conformal field theory'' \\ 15:30 Gregory Korchemsky ``Conformal fishnet theory'' \\ \\ (
arXiv Preprint Number
  • Confconf.pdf (95630 bytes) OPEN

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