Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-PHYS-ENS
Subjects quant-ph
Date Wednesday 18 September 2019
Time 13:45
Institute DPT-PHYS-ENS
Seminar Room Sorbonne Université – 4, place Jussieu – 75005 Paris, Room : Charpak
Speaker's Last Name Schleier Smith
Speaker's First Name Monika
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Stanford
Title Choreographing Quantum Spin Dynamics with Light
Abstract The dream of the quantum engineer is to have an “arbitrary waveform generator” for designing quantum states and Hamiltonians. Motivated by this vision, I will report on advances in optical control of long-range interactions among cold atoms. By coupling atoms to light in an optical resonator, we induce tunable non-local spin-spin interactions, characterizing the resulting dynamics by real-space imaging. Notably, in a spin-1 system, we observe photon-mediated spin mixing, a new mechanism for producing correlated atom pairs. In a separate platform, we employ Rydberg dressing to induce Ising interactions in a dilute gas of cesium atoms in their hyperfine clock states, enabling the realization of a Floquet transverse-field Ising model. I will discuss prospects in quantum simulation and quantum metrology promised by the versatility of optical control. [1] Ar-39 dating with small samples provides new key constraints on ocean ventilation, Nature Comm. 9, 5046 (2018).[2] Observation of universal dynamics in a spinor Bose gas far from equilibrium, Nature 563, 217 (2018).
arXiv Preprint Number

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