Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Statut Confirmé
Domaines physics
Date Jeudi 12 Septembre 2019
Heure 11:00
Institut IPHT
Salle (voir dans annonce)
Nom de l'orateur Philippe Lognonné
Prenom de l'orateur
Addresse email de l'orateur
Institution de l'orateur Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Titre SEIS/InSight on Mars : first 9 months of Mars seismic monitoring
Résumé InSight landed on Mars on November, 26th, 2018 and deployed on the Martian in the following 2 months the SEIS experiment, a 6 axis seismometer protected by several layers of thermal protection in addition to a Wind and Thermal Shield. This robotic deployment is a first in Planetary Science and it is also the first time that a complete geophysical station is deployed, with seismic, magnetic, geodetic, heat flow and weather sensors. \par We present the challenge faced successfully by the InSight team in the SEIS deployment and provide an overview of the first observations made by the experiment after 9 months on Mars, including the first detection of Marsquakes and their analysis for determining the first constraints on Mars interior structure and Mars seismicity.\\ \\ \\ (Auditorium Pierre Lehmann, Bât.200 - Campus Universitaire d'Orsay)
Numéro de preprint arXiv
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  • SCOPI_12-09-2019.pdf (653238 bytes) OPEN

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