Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPTM-UCP
Subjects cond-mat
Date Tuesday 5 November 2019
Time 11:00
Institute LPTM
Seminar Room 4.13 St Martin II
Speaker's Last Name Roemer
Speaker's First Name Rudolf
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Department of Physics , University of Warwick and LPTM UCP Cergy
Title Resolution of the exponent puzzle for the Anderson transition in doped semiconductors
Abstract The Anderson metal-insulator transition (MIT) is central to our understanding of the quantum mechanical nature of disordered materials. Despite extensive efforts by theory and experiment, there is still no agreement on the value of the critical exponent describing the universality of the transition—the so-called “exponent puzzle.” In this Rapid Communication, going beyond the standard Anderson model, we employ ab initio methods to study the MIT in a realistic model of a doped semiconductor. We use linear-scaling density functional theory to simulate prototypes of sulfur-doped silicon (Si:S). From these we build larger tight-binding models close to the critical concentration of the MIT. When the dopant concentration is increased, an impurity band forms and eventually delocalizes. We characterize the MIT via multifractal finite-size scaling, obtaining the phase diagram and estimates of ν. Our results suggest an explanation of the long-standing exponent puzzle, which we link to the hybridization of conduction and impurity bands.
arXiv Preprint Number

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