Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-EXCEP
Subjects gr-qc
Date Wednesday 27 November 2019
Time 11:30
Institute LPTENS
Seminar Room Scherk library (formerly LPTENS library)
Speaker's Last Name Chen
Speaker's First Name Pisin
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution National Taiwan University
Title Hawking evaporation and the information loss paradox
Abstract Forty years after the discovery of Hawking radiation, its exact nature remains elusive. If Hawking radiation does not carry any information out from the ever- shrinking black hole, it seems that unitarity is violated once the black hole completely evaporates. On the other hand, attempts to recover information via quantum entanglement lead to the firewall controversy. In this talk we review the essence of the information paradox. We then discuss several selected proposed solutions to it and provide some of their counter-arguments. We end the talk by introducing an analog black hole experiment with flying plasma mirror.
arXiv Preprint Number

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