Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-CPHT
Subjects hep-th
Date Tuesday 21 January 2020
Time 11:00
Institute CPHT
Seminar Room Salle Louis Michel
Speaker's Last Name Basile
Speaker's First Name Ivano
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution SNS-Pisa
Title On Vacuum Stability without Supersymmetry: Brane dynamics, bubbles and holography
Abstract In this talk I will present some recent results on instabilities of anti-de Sitter flux compactifications in effective field theories arising from non-supersymmetric string models, namely the USp(32) and U(32) orientifold models and the SO(16) x SO(16) heterotic string. We discuss perturbative and non-perturbative instabilities and frame the vacua in terms of brane stacks, analyzing their back-reacted geometry and reproducing AdS its near-horizon limit, then we describe the instabilities as branes separating from the stack, computing the associated decay rate matching a probe brane computation with the semi-classical Coleman-de Luccia result. We conclude briefly discussing possible implications regarding the fate of unstable vacua in string theory beyond the semi-classical limit, connecting this scenario to holographic renormalization group flows and to a "de Sitter on a brane" construction that was outlined in the recent literature.
arXiv Preprint Number

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