Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Subjects astro-ph
Date Friday 13 March 2020
Time 11:00
Institute APC
Seminar Room Amphithéatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
Speaker's Last Name Combes
Speaker's First Name Francoise
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Observatoire de Paris
Title Active Galactic Nuclei: fueling and feedback
Abstract Dynamical mechanisms are essential to exchange angular momentum in galaxies,  drive the gas to the center, and fuel the central super-massive black holes. While at 100pc scale, the gas is sometimes stalled in nuclear rings, recent observations  reaching 10pc scale, or sixty mas with ALMA, have revealed, within the sphere of influence of the black hole, smoking gun evidence of fuelling. Observations of AGN feedback  will be described, together with the suspected responsible mechanisms. Molecular  outflows are frequently detected in active galaxies with ALMA and NOEMA, with  loading factors between 1 and 5. When driven by AGN with escape velocity, these  outflows are therefore a clear way to moderate or suppress star formation.  Molecular disks, or tori, are detected at 10pc-scale, kinematically decoupled  from their host disk, with random orientation. They can be used to measure the black hole mass.
arXiv Preprint Number

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