Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series LPTHE-PPH
Subjects hep-ph
Date Friday 10 January 2020
Time 14:00
Institute LPTHE
Seminar Room library
Speaker's Last Name Faraggi
Speaker's First Name Alon
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Liverpool U.
Title The Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equation and the closed universe
Abstract Recently, Di Valentino, Melchiorri and Silk argued that the Planck satelite data provide evidence for a closed universe. In this context we recall the derivation of the Quantum Hamilton--Jacobi Equation (QHJE) from a fundamental geometrical principle. Underlying the formalism there exist a basic cocycle condition, which is invariant under $D$--dimensional finite M\"obius transformations. The invariance of the cocycle condition under M\"obius transformations can only be implemented consistently if spatial space is compact. Thus, the geometrical formulation of the QHJE predicts that spatial space is compact. Additionally, it implies energy quatisation and the undefinability of quantum trajectories. Evidence for the compactness of the universe may therefore exist in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
arXiv Preprint Number

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