Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series RENC-THEO
Subjects hep-th
Date Thursday 28 January 2021
Time 11:00
Institute LPTHE
Seminar Room Zoom and bibliothèque du LPTHE, tour 13-14, 4eme étage
Speaker's Last Name Perlmutter
Speaker's First Name Eric
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Caltech & IPhT
Title A CFT Distance Conjecture
Abstract We formulate a series of conjectures relating the geometry of conformal manifolds to the spectrum of local operators in conformal field theories in d>2 spacetime dimensions. We focus on conformal manifolds with limiting points at infinite distance with respect to the Zamolodchikov metric. Our central conjecture is that all theories at infinite distance possess an emergent higher-spin symmetry, generated by an infinite tower of currents whose anomalous dimensions vanish exponentially in the distance. Stated geometrically, the diameter of a non-compact conformal manifold must diverge logarithmically in the higher-spin gap. Our conjectures are related to the Distance Conjecture in the swampland program. We discuss the supporting evidence, their holographic interpretation, and implications for superconformal field theories.
arXiv Preprint Number
Comments This seminar will be given in hybrid mode. People who wish to attend in person should contact Ander Retolaza. Zoom: (pwd= 1234 )

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