Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series SEM-LPTMC
Subjects cond-mat.mes-hall
Date Monday 8 February 2021
Time 10:45
Institute LPTMC
Seminar Room on-line zoom seminar
Speaker's Last Name Angelone
Speaker's First Name Adriano
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Sissa and ICTP Trieste
Title Supersolid states in cluster-forming systems
Abstract The elusive supersolid phase, a state in which a crystalline structure coexists with superfluidity (i.e., frictionless and dissipationless material flow), was initially proposed as the ground state of solid Helium-4. This conjecture has since found theoretical, and later experimental, disproval; however, supersolidity has continued to be the center of intensive theoretical and experimental investigations, especially after its recent experimental realization in experiments with cold dipolar atoms. This introductory talk will center on a part of my work on bosonic systems of interest for experiments with cold atoms, whose ground state is characterized by the formation of clusters of particles. These self-arrange despite the repulsive nature of the interparticle interactions, and are associated to a wide variety of both (essentially) classical and quantum many-body states of interest. The main result I am going to discuss in this context is the appearance, in a selected parameter regime, of a novel type of phase transition, induced by the interparticle interaction strength, between two different kinds of supersolid states displaying radically different physical properties.
arXiv Preprint Number
Comments ID de réunion : 948 8781 7099 Code secret : 026042

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